NY: Ready for lower bills and cleaner energy?

How can we lower our energy bills and promote clean energy?

Fixed charges – also known as customer charges – are the flat monthly fees that you pay on your electricity bill, regardless of the amount of energy you actually use.  In New York, these fixed charges are much higher than average and they make energy unaffordable for many households. High fixed charges also make it harder for people to justify any investment in energy efficiency or solar, because no matter how much energy you save or produce yourself, you're still stuck with that fixed charge.

Let's fix this!

Why lower fixed charges?


The majority of residential customers would benefit from lowering the fixed portion of our electricity bills.
Find out why.

What others are saying.


Over 50 organizations and over 130 elected officials have requested that energy regulators reduce fixed charges in New York.

Raise your voice!


Eletricity rates are being set right now in New York. Click here learn how you can take action to lower fixed charges.

Ready to tell New York to lower your fixed charges?


Legislation Introduced to Lower Fixed Charges in New York

June 3, 2019 - Senator Jen Metzger and Assemblyman Robert Carroll have introduced legislation that would reduce utility companies' fixed customer charges. The legislation is similar to law that passed in Connecticut in 2015 that has effectively reduce fixed charges in that state. With just three weeks left in the legislative session in NY, advocates are mobilizing to pass the bill. Read more...

Central Hudson Agrees to Reduce Its Residential Customer Charge

April 18, 2018 - Central Hudson Gas and Electric proposed a settlement in its ongoing rate proceeding, in which it agrees to reduce its current electric and gas residential customer charge from $24 to $19.50 over three years. Central Hudson's customer charge reduction makes it the first New York utility to reduce its customer charge in more than a decade.  Read more...

National Grid Maintains High Fixed Charge Despite Affordibility Concerns

 March 16, 2018 - The New York State Public Service Commission approved a Joint Proposal by utility corporation National Grid and other stakeholders to raise customer rates in its upstate electric and gas service territory. Residential customers will see electric and gas rates increase by nearly $16 per month over the next three years, and fixed customer charges will remain locked in at $17 per month. National Grid’s fixed customer charge ranks among the highest in the country, and is more than three times the amount charged to residential customers in the company’s Massachusetts and Rhode Island service territories. Read more...

Consumer Advocates Deliver over 1,800 Postcards to Regulators Calling for Rate Reform

January 22, 2018 - The postcard state, “it’s a New Year, a new chance to fix our electricity rates!” The proposed New Year’s resolutions for the PSC include rejecting utility rate hike requests and reducing fixed charges, which are very high compared to utility fixed charges in other states regionally and nationally. Read more...

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Contact Your State Representatives

A Bill to Lower Bills

Legislation pending in New York would help lower fixed utility charges, but there are only a few more days to get it passed. S6241 (Metzger) / A8118 (Carroll) would would ensure that utilities can only include specific kinds of costs when determining the fixed charge for their customers.  Reasons to support the bill:  

  • New York’s utilities  have some of the highest fixed charges in the country, depriving customers of control over their energy costs. 

  • On average, low-income customers are impacted the most by fixed charges. This bill would reduce electricity costs for the majority of low-income customers and ensure fairness in the way electricity rates are set.

  • Lowering fixed charges will improve the economics of energy efficiency and conservation. Currently, energy efficiency measures are disadvantaged by fixed charges because efficiency can only lower a portion of a customers’ bill. By reducing fixed charges, customers who save energy use will see a higher cost reduction on their bills.  

You Can Help Pass the Bill


Make the Call Today!

Contact your Senator and Assemblymember today and ask them to co-sponsor the bill.  

Make the call!

Fight Back Against Utility Proposals to Raise Fixed Charges.

Consolidated Edison


Consolidated Edison has filed a rate proposal that would raise fixed charges from $15.76 to $17 per month. 

Think this is wrong? 

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NYSEG is proposing to raise its fixed customer charge from $15.11 to $17, while RG&E is attempting to raise the customer charge by 62 cents to a whopping $22 per month!

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